About us

About Us

The Mother Teresa Children’s Development Society is a social organization. This organization works for boys / girls as well as women. The main objective of the organization is to promote the holistic development of boys / girls and women and to assist them as much as possible. The organization covers the whole of India. This organization was established on 30th November, 2010 in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. The registration number of the society is MAHA / 1722/10 and it is bound to operate within the framework laid down by the Government of Maharashtra. It is also registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

We have been working in the field of education and social for the last 11 years. During this eleven year tenure, many schools have cooperated by registering their participation in the competitive examinations conducted by the institute. Thank you so much for the work you have done in these eleven years. This task has been made possible only by your cooperation. We look forward to your continued support and assistance.

The organization has organized many competitions in the last eleven years, mainly National Drawing Competition, National Handwriting Competition, National Painting Competition. Many school children eagerly registered their participation in these competitions and received many prizes and awards. Also many students received cash prizes.

Honorable principals, honorable art teachers and teachers of the school played a vital role in these competitions and organized these competitions in their school and supported the organization. All the principals and art teachers who have played a significant role in these competitions were honored by the institute with certificates and awards. The schools which made significant contribution in the competition were also honored with school certificates and school awards.

The institute declares that it will continue its efforts to develop the latent qualities of the students by organizing various competitive examinations which will be useful for the overall development of the students in the school. We are committed to give all the prizes and cash prizes announced in the circulars of the competition held by the institute every year to the right student, the principal as well as the art teacher. We are planning to make a radical change in the competitive examinations to be held in next coming years by involving as many students as possible and honoring them by giving prizes and testimonials to more students than the previous year. Most of the income of this competition organized by the organization is spent for the education of poor and needy students as well as for helping poor and needy women. The main objective of the organization is to help above students and women. Such competitions are organized to achieve this main objective of the organization.

According to the work of the institute, the institute has provided free computer courses to girls and women. In this course, basic computer knowledge was taught to girls and women in the age group of 8 to 40 years. The course was completed in about two months at the institute’s office. After the completion of the course, all the students participating in this course were examined. All the students registered their participation in the examination. All the students were then given certificates of participation.

In the coming years, the organization will implement a number of schemes, for example, to teach sewing to poor and needy women, to impart vocational training to them, to provide educational materials to poor students, to help poor students in their daily needs. Efforts will be made to encourage students who are moving to other places without going to school and to help them as much as possible.

Our Objectives

Our Mission
This organization has been established to serve the children, girls, youth, young women, men and women in the age group of 3 to 60 years, to develop their holistic personality, to work for their human rights and to achieve the following goals and objectives.

1) Conduct drawing, handwriting test for boys and girls of all ages.

2) To honor meritorious children, young men and women by giving awards.

3) To felicitate dignitaries from various fields.

4) Encourage non-school children to get education.

5) Giving knowledge of general knowledge to the boys and girls in the school and taking competitive exams among them.

6) To organize camps, discussion sessions, Children’s festival, youth festival, art festival, at district level, state level and national level for children, youth and young women.

7) To help the needy children and youth who are seriously ill.

8) To guide destitute girls, young men and women.

9) Organizing exhibitions of Children’s youth art.

10) To inform the public about the works of art drawn by boys and girls as well as young men and women.

11) To provide various types of vocational training for young women, so that they do not have to depend on others.

12) To develop latent qualities of children and youth.

13) To start training center on dance, music, photography, screen printing, drama. To conduct examinations for this subject by this center. Conducting examinations in the above subjects in schools and colleges.

14) Establishment of art galleries in every district.

15) To start kindergarten training course for women and girls and make them self-sufficient by imparting training to them directly and by post.

16) To disseminate educational and cultural programs for children, youth, girls, women and men through All India Radio and Television.

17) To help budding and needy students for education.

18) To establish branches of Mother Teresa Children’s Development Society in every district, city and village and to start the above work through them.